A phrase most are extremely familiar with -- quite possibly from Dori in Nemo -- or because it's been around long before that and became oober popular due to cute animated fish saying it repeatedly as they trek on through a treacherous journey that lies ahead of them. Either way, "Just keep swimming" always makes me think of Dori and not giving up.
Since I last took the time to write, I've felt like this is what I've been doing, and I'm really happy to say that I've made a lot of progress with multiple areas in life by just taking each day at a time and doing the best I can with what I've got. The swim has had tough days, and days that seem incredibly smooth. That's how life is it seems.
Through setbacks (some self-inflicted, others by chance), days of our routine going out the window, celebrations of birthdays, and life -- I still managed to lose almost 8 lbs last month doing my Dietbet challenge. What was created through taking each day as it came and doing the best I could with the circumstances, was the desire (again) to get in my workout every day, to take care of my body and fuel it with good stuff, and be fun and active with my kiddos. I needed that loss. I needed to see that living life with all the chaos that comes up often wouldn't set me back entirely and that I was capable of hitting goals I've set for myself while still taking time to celebrate and enjoy food.
In other news... Everest is incredible. Of course he is, and always has been, but I think my heart is growing even more in tune with this bug as we've hit a new era. He's just fun now. He makes this hilarious guttural growl and cracks himself up, he is likely a week away from crawling, he is beginning to have multiple nights a week where he will sleep 10+ hours and it. is. amazing. The effect? I feel like a new mom. This gust of energy is finally there to work out, to play with Amity and not stick her in front of a movie during Ever's naps. I feel like I'm now, almost 8 months post partum, getting back to the Kim I want to be and have been working to become again.
I have sucked myself into an awesome new novel from Jodi Picoult, and therefore have set aside the self-improvement books for a bit, and then have spent lots of hours working bit by bit on blankets for babies that are due to be here in the fall months ahead. Summer has been good to our family. We have read more, gotten to the library, met up with friends, taken walks, hikes, and fun car rides. We have some big family trips on the horizon over the last two weekends of June which will be awesome and I'm so looking forward to continuing to just keep swimming and go with the flow of wherever life takes us.
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